is a unique spiritual accessory created with various energy stones to harmonize space and enhance personal energy levels. It is available for immediate shipment, with only 1 piece in stock, making it worth securing quickly.
Triskele Symbol: The triskele symbolizes the cycle of life, balance, and harmony between spirit, body, and soul. This symbol can strengthen the effectiveness of meditation and space cleansing, as well as support the creation of inner harmony.
Base area: 7.2 x 7.2 cm
Clear Quartz Crystal: An exceptional healing stone that provides protection against radiation, elevates internal energy, and cleanses and strengthens both the organs and the soul. It helps stimulate the immune system and supports the treatment of various physical issues, such as burns.
Hematite: Provides strength, stamina, and courage. It supports physical vitality and improves blood composition due to its high iron content, making it useful for anemia as well.
Carnelian: A stabilizing stone full of vitality. It stimulates metabolism, improves the function of female reproductive organs, and has a positive impact on general health, including enhancing fertility and healing rheumatism